Jay Strickland is President of the Lions Club Friday Night Dart League in Port aux Basques. – Submitted
PORT AUX BASQUES – The Lion’s Club Friday Night Dart League is slated to return to play on Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. after months of hiatus due to the pandemic.
“In March when the COVID came we gave up,” says League President Jay Strickland. “We usually go until the middle of May.”
Strickland has been playing for 14 years, taking up the sport after he moved back to the area from Kitchener, Ontario. This will be his second year serving as League President, and although the virus is still around, the league has protocols in place to prevent possible spread.
In addition to regular sanitizing, tables will be placed far enough apart that team bubbles can remain intact. Isolated within their bubble and when shooting won’t require a mask, but leaving their area to go to the bar or washroom means players will have to wear one. A mask will also be required whenever a player is entering or exiting the building.
Despite the new restrictions, players are still signing on. In fact, the league has seen a slight uptick in the number of teams that have registered.
“Last year we only had four, as we were new at getting the league up on the go,” says Strickland. “So far this year we have five full teams.”
Strickland says there’s still plenty of room for more, and experience is not required. Players can form their own team prior to registering, or can be assigned to a team.
“I enjoy getting out for a fun night with the guys,” offers Strickland.
Sunday nights are reserved for a mixed league and there is also a woman’s league scheduled for Thursday. Whether or not dart tournaments will be held this year remains undetermined.